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Bonjour, from Holland!

Publié : 18 juil. 2010, 11:02
par pakoo
hello folks,

As I got tipped by a certain Julien about schumacher parts on this forum, I'd thought perhaps a small presentation about me. As you can read I can't barely speak any French (hope that isn't a problem on this forum) but my English has improved a lot since my adventure started.

About my RC-career, I've got (of what I think) a good, very different collection. mostly Tamiya, but also 2robbe trucks, 2 Academy offroad buggy, that Tamiya KV-1 tank and that Schuey.
I'm now 21year and I own about 20-22 cars. and to much parts to hide away. my oldest car is an Tamiya March 782 (kit no.:58013). my newest is that Ferrari F60 (F104), Ferrari GTO (tamtech) and a CR-01.

here a link to my TC showroom

I've been looking around here now and must say some great projects going on!

take care all!

greets patrick

Re: Bonjour, from Holland!

Publié : 18 juil. 2010, 11:21
par Black Hole Sun
Hi Patrick,

Welcome on board :hello:
English is not a problem except that many people here won't understand you and that you may not understand most of what's on the board. Apart from that, no problem at all ;)

You did the very first thing right: present yourself :top:

I'm gonna give you some more information about how things work here:
1. You can create / participate to any topic on the forum: do it in English as it will be easier for you and we'll do our best to translate for those of us who need it.
A forum is made to share and help others, everyone do it the best he can, so no problem for you to do it in English ;)
2. As per forum rules, you can't sell anything here unless you have experience. What we call experience is time (1 month) and constructive posts (20). This is meant not to turn this forum into ebay but to focus on the community aspect. But you can buy whatever you want: the rule is you show you interest for an item with a "ticket" and then you can discuss with the seller in PM's.

For Schumacher parts, you can have a look here: ... schumacher ... schumacher ... schumacher ... schumacher

For Schumacher manuals, go there:

Re: Bonjour, from Holland!

Publié : 18 juil. 2010, 12:11
par denis40
bonjour a tous ,
Hi pakoo ,
and welcome
a+ denis

Re: Bonjour, from Holland!

Publié : 18 juil. 2010, 16:30
par pakoo
bonjour et je comprend (is that correct? :lol: )

but thanks for the kind comments and I respect the rules of this forum, witch is not more then normal.
and I will try to keep my English simple for you all. I can read a bit French though so the major story won't be a problem for me :D

and I've also found a Dutch forum, and off course Tamiyaclub but as I said, I was directed to here and this seems to be a good forum!

greets Patrick

Re: Bonjour, from Holland!

Publié : 19 juil. 2010, 09:59
par Fred68
:salut: and welcome with us !

Re: Bonjour, from Holland!

Publié : 19 juil. 2010, 12:11
par Trass
Welcome on board PAKOO

Re: Bonjour, from Holland!

Publié : 23 juil. 2010, 16:39
par lolo30
Welcome Pakoo !

We become international !

Et si nous n'avons pas "Nelson", nous avons "Hole Sun" .... " Hole Sun Monfort" bien sur ! :lol:

Re: Bonjour, from Holland!

Publié : 23 juil. 2010, 17:34
par boo54
Bonjour :salut: Hello hi !!! 8-)

Re: Bonjour, from Holland!

Publié : 23 juil. 2010, 18:07
par f2g78
you are welcome Patrick
my english is not perfect (the french touch :D :D :D ) but we are happy to have a new foreign member
I hope we will help you in your futur project

désolé mais j'ai vraiment un anglais scolaire :lol: :lol: